Google Unveils New “Predefined” Landing Page Reporting System

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Google Ads reporting functions have been bolstered by the creation of two new landing page reporting tools. The new landing page reports are fully expanded and show the usual landing page metrics but the expanded date includes additional metric-based feedback.

According to Google, the new landing pages will include URL data and metrics with new column display outputs showcasing the following metrics:

Google believes: “The expanded landing pages report includes all the same columns as the landing pages report, but also shows the URL users reach after contextual substitutions have been made and custom parameters have been added.

You’ll be able to easily engage with all of your landing page performance data through multi-dimensional tables and charts. For example, you can create a pie chart for conversions segmented by expanded landing pages or landing pages.”

This is the latest in a series of updates for Google Ads that has seen Google’s prime income source undergo a fully comprehensive makeover with re-brand and new tools. This latest drive is to help improve the reporting functionality of Google Ads – to help make the customer experience more informative.

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