How do hosted desktops work?

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hosted desktop support ManchesterFor those of you who are unfamiliar with hosted desktops, here is an overview of how they work.

A cloud or online desktop takes all the software applications that you need to run your business and moves them into a data center, meaning they can be accessed ‘online’ from anywhere as they are no longer tied to a specific computer or local network in your premises. Users access these applicatons and company data over their internet connection via a secure connection to your company’s cloud desktop.

Your whole IT infrastructure is much simpler as staff only need tablets, laptops or desktop machines and an internet connection. Businesses don’t need to worry about installing their own software and buying or upgrading servers ever again.

A hosted desktop removes the need for servers and hardware on site as the more complex infrastructure moves to a data centre. These provide a much more secure environment than most businesses could afford to provide themselves and you are effectively “renting” their know-how and security.

It is in these highly secure facilities where all the processing is done as you connect to your software applications and systems. If you have to move location for example, your data doesn’t, it stays within the data centre environment and is more secure. Loss or damage to laptops and other devices no longer means loss of important data.

Moving to a hosted desktop is not complicated. Once the core set of applications are in place, new users can easily be added (or removed) as there is no real installation process. You simply need to link the new user to applications that are already installed. Updates are handled in a similar way, the software is updated centrally and everyone can access the update instantly as they login.

If you would like a demonstration of a hosted desktop then please give IGC a call and we would be happy to arrange one for you.

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